Tier 1 – Do-It-For-Me with Vanguard Target Retirement Date Funds
It’s estimated that the majority of retirement investors don’t have the time or desire to select and track their investments. Retirement Date Funds are designed to help those Plan participants who are unsure how to allocate their investments or want to select an investment approach that automatically incorporates an asset allocation strategy.
To select the appropriate Retirement Fund, simply determine the Fund with the 5-year increment that is closest to the year you plan to begin withdrawing funds in retirement, or simply complete the enrollment process to determine the most appropriate Retirement Fund for you based on an assumed retirement age of 65.
Asset Allocation
These funds are also known as "LifeStyle" or "LifeCycle" funds. They invest in a combination of assets such as aggressive stocks, international stocks, large-company stocks, government bonds, foreign bonds or money markets. The allocation percentage to each asset type may be fixed, bounded by a range, or determined at the discretion of the manager. Managers of these funds review market conditions regularly and refine the asset allocation mixture they believe will achieve the best risk adjusted performance based on the stated objectives and "target" allocations of the particular fund. Different constructs can be based on risk tolerance or length of time to investment goal.
Tier II – Do-it-Yourself by actively or passively managing your investments
You may design your own asset allocation from the core menu of individual investment options. In each asset class, an index fund is available for participants who desire a passive investment strategy.
For additional information on the investment options or for a fund prospectus, you can contact the Plan Information Line at (855) GO-RET-NV (467-3868) weekdays between 5:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. PT, excluding stock market holidays. Before investing, carefully consider the fund’s investment objectives, risks, charges and expenses. The fund prospectus contains this and other important information.
Stability of Principal
Assets are invested in conservative investment options that seek - but not necessarily guarantee - to hold the principal value of an investment stable through all market conditions. These options may credit a stated rate of return or minimum periodic interest rate that may vary. Dividend rates and income levels fluctuate with market conditions and are not guaranteed. These investment options, including money market portfolios, are neither insured nor guaranteed by the U.S. government.
Assets are invested fixed income securities that have been determined to be appropriate for its investment goal. Investors here are primarily seeking income or growth of income, with less emphasis on capital appreciation. Funds in this asset class vary greatly in their risk profiles. The issuer, credit quality of the underlying investments, and the average duration of the portfolio play important roles in determining the risk profile of the fund. Fixed-income funds those that have significant investments in below-investment grade bonds ("junk bonds") or bonds of foreign issuers would be categorized as high yield or international bonds. Portfolios consisting of investment grade corporate bonds, mortgages, government bonds and, to a lesser degree, preferred stock, foreign or convertible bonds typically land in the intermediate term bond category. Shorter duration and high credit quality funds are typically categorized as short term bond or short term government funds.
Large Cap Value/Blend
Funds seek long-term growth of capital or a combination of growth and income by investing primarily in stocks of larger, mature companies. The investment styles exhibited are value and "blend." Stocks are selected for price appreciation and for the value of the current income provided through dividends. These funds generally exhibit a lower level of price volatility, due to the types of companies they favor, such as those able to pay dividends along with more older, mature companies.
Large Cap Growth
Large cap growth funds invest primarily in stocks of larger U.S. companies employing an investment style of growth. A growth fund invests in the stocks of companies that are growing rapidly. Growth companies tend to reinvest all or most of their profits for research and development rather than pay dividends. Growth funds are focused on generating capital gains rather than income. Funds emphasizing growth stocks will typically have higher price/earnings ratios and make little or no dividend payments. Large capitalization companies tend to be more established, with lower relative volatility, than more aggressive small and mid-cap stock funds.
Small cap, mid cap and "specialty" funds are in this category, employing investment styles of growth, value, or a blend of growth and value. These funds seek capital appreciation by investing primarily in stocks of small-and medium-sized companies. Generally, these companies are striving to develop new products or markets and have above-average earnings growth potential. Because of their smaller size, these companies may face greater business risk, and investments in these funds generally carry much higher risk than other domestic equity funds. "Specialty" or "sector" funds invest in stocks of companies in a particular industry. This narrow focus can significantly increase the risk and volatility of such funds.
There are three main types of funds in this category. International funds can have an investment style of Foreign Large Value, Foreign Large Blend, Foreign Large Growth, Foreign Small/Mid Value or Foreign Small/Mid Growth. These funds invest in stocks of companies outside of the United States. Global funds have an investment style of World Stock. These funds invest in stocks of companies in the United States and developed countries outside of the United States. Emerging Markets funds invest in securities of developing countries and demonstrate the greatest volatility of performance due to the unstable nature of their economies, political structures and currencies. International investing may provide greater diversification benefits to a U.S.-based portfolio than investing in domestic securities alone. However, foreign investing does involve additional risks not present in U.S. securities.
Are you looking for fund choices beyond the Target Retirement Date Funds and core investment options?
The NDC offers a self-directed brokerage account (SDBA) through TD Ameritrade. There’s a $5,000 minimum NDC account balance to participate, but the SDBA gives you the opportunity and flexibility to choose your own investments. You can choose from more than 13,000 mutual funds. For more information about the TD Ameritrade Self-Directed Brokerage Account, please read the
SDBA Plan Information